Tooth Replacement Options

[insert_video vid_id=”aiZ_29nhd9Q” align=”left” width=”50%” thumb_reso=”maxresdefault” transcript=”We don’t take the decision to remove somebody’s tooth lightly, and we only do it as a last resort. It’s surprising to people sometimes how bad of a situation can still be repaired by modern dentistry. There are times when a tooth situation is such that it’s not in the patients best interest to keep that tooth. If it’s a situation that’s easy enough and the patient is comfortable with local anesthetic here in the office, we’ll do everything we can to take care of it here. That covers a lot of the situations. If it’s a situation where a patient is fearful, apprehensive to the point where they just don’t want to be awake, I’ve got a great relationship with a local oral surgeon. That’s who I have take care of it in those situations.”]If you are living without teeth, or know that you are having an extraction soon, you need this information. Below you will find a short description of each of our tooth replacement options. These options are reliable, long-lasting ways to restore the appearance, health, and functionality of your smile. We would love to help you achieve the results you need. Feel free to contact our office with any questions you may have.

Traditional Single Implants

Dental implants can offer you the reliable, beautiful results you need to look and feel great. You may be missing one of your own natural teeth, but we can offer you top-of-the-line prosthetics to help replace what you have lost. A dental implant is designed to completely replace the natural tooth root by actually fusing to the jawbone to create a permanent bond. We then load the implant with a beautiful, custom-made crown that will look and feel natural in your mouth. This setup will restore your natural chewing power and give you the confidence you have been lacking. Check out our page on dental implants to learn more.

Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants work just like traditional implants, except that they are smaller in size. Because of this, they are easier to place and can be used in varying situations. Even if you have experienced substantial bone deterioration due to periodontitis, this option may be for you. However, do note that mini dental implants are not as strong as traditional implants — so they aren’t for everyone. Talk to Dr. Sykora to determine if mini dental implants are right for you.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

Our All-on-4 implant procedure uses four strategically placed dental implants (two near the front, two in the back at an angle) to support an entire arch of teeth. This is a wonderful option for people who are missing many or all of their natural teeth. We can help you get the results you need without the invasiveness of a full set of individual implants. Learn more about our All-on-4 dental implants here.

Removable Dentures

We also offer removable dentures for patients in need. However, this tooth replacement option is less reliable and more inconvenient than our implant options. Depending on your specific needs, we can help you determine which option is best for you.

Fixed Bridges

A fixed dental bridge is a permanent, noninvasive way to replace one or a few missing teeth. Unlike implants, the bridge is not inserted into your gum and there is no surgery. Learn more about bridges here. Talk to Dr. Sykora to see if a fixed dental bridge is right for you.

Make An Appointment

Let Dr. Sykora and his team help you get the results you need to look and feel great once more. We can help you determine which of these great tooth replacement options are right for you. If you are ready to schedule an appointment, please contact our office directly. You can reach us at 610-314-7534. You can also send us a message using our online form. A member of our team will be happy to assist you in scheduling a date and time for your appointment that will work well with your personal schedule. We can’t wait to hear from you!